Freedom, Peace, Independence | Teen Ink

Freedom, Peace, Independence

February 21, 2008
By Anonymous

A waving figure of pride glides with the wind
A sign for those who died to make this country
And a sign of strength to those who have lost all hope
It stands for freedom, for peace, and independence.

Colors of red, white, and blue stand hard and true
Flickering with a spirit of its own and inspiring all those who see
Hearts fill with uplifting joy for their country at the sight of a flag
A flag with fifty white stars on blue and stripes of red and white.

There is too much time spent thinking about all the bad
Why not more thinking about the good?
Instead of blaming the government
Thank the heroes.

Think about those who gave you that right
The right to speak freely
The right of religion
The right to be who you want to be.

Freedom, peace, independence
What our soldiers gave us
What they are still fighting for
What you should thank them for.

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