American Dream | Teen Ink

American Dream

February 21, 2008
By Anonymous

What is a dream?
Is it in your sleep or simply an ambition?
Who has a dream?

America has a dream.
It’s an American Dream.
Every day we fight and lose our young boys and girls to the unforgiving sand.
Forever and ever.

It’s not for nothing.
There's definitely something there.
The American Dream.
To spread freedom and the use of their voice and ours too.

A dream is a wish.
It’s nowhere, then everywhere.
America has a dream.

American has a dream.
It’s an American Dream.
Everyday we fight and lose our young boys and girls to the unforgiving sand.
Forever and ever.

We stand united, for what’s right.
Freedom and voice.
Every day, is it worth it?
Hopefully for our soldiers…

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