Rushing | Teen Ink


February 21, 2008
By Anonymous

Rushing here and there, never having time to spare. Never have you talked about your days of past, nor of your future.
Money is pasted out, with little reply. Suddenly your days have flown by. Kids grow old as well as you, but then it all catches up and you catch the clue.
Family gatherings seem to be a new necessity. Hugs and kisses are passed around with much reply between friends and family.
No more rushing, dinners are spent at the table with much conversation of past experiences and future plans.
As you hold your beloved’s hand, tears twinkle across your cheeks as your daughter says, “I do.”
Laughter pulses against your chest as you remember the good days. With life starting as it had, it seemed it would never be right. But as time passed you came together and formed a family that will never part.

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