My Darling ‘come together” | Teen Ink

My Darling ‘come together”

February 21, 2008
By Anonymous

Wind on the window,
white curls of hair,
pale skin worn well.
A nightgown warming down by her toes.

All alone in her house she searches for him,
the one she lost all those years ago.
A ring and a uniform her high school sweet heart,
he loved her so.

She agreed, he left to protect her,
she waited for his return,
but it never came.

Now she waits all alone.
But the light is so beautiful by the window.
She smiles as he looks on her face,
she blushes love overgrown.

A single tear falls down her cheek,
as she steps into the glow.
Together at last they cross,
the path into forever,
watch them go.

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