My Prison | Teen Ink

My Prison

March 19, 2008
By Anonymous

I’m stuck here in a prison,
I created for myself.

I know that I’m at fault,
I can’t blame someone else.

I’m surrounded by people,
But I’m always alone.

Every day I wish I,
Could survive on my own.

Each day I wish,
That I was just numb.

To everything evil,
It seems I succumb.

There’s no love inside,
It’s hate that is there.

Darkness surrounds me,
But I just don’t care.

Instead of getting better,
I just get worse and worse.

Instead of moving forward,
I’m going in reverse.

Instead of gaining true love,
Or being a true friend.

I keep on burning bridges,
I just want this to end.

I just want to be happy,
I just want to feel good.

I just want to be human,
Feel normal like I should.

I want to view the beauty,
In everything I see.

I want to love myself,
I want to feel complete.

I want to go to bed each night,
And pray that I wake up.

I want to take control,
This time enough’s enough.

I wish that I had courage,
I wish I would be strong.

I want to choose the right way,
And stop choosing the wrong.

I wish that I was perfect,
But I’m one big mistake.

I smile and act so happy,
Only I know it’s all fake.

A plethora of emptiness,
And darkness here within.

I once was truly happy,
But I don’t remember when.

I need to snap out of this crap,
I need to face my fears.

But it’s so hard to see myself,
I’m blinded by my tears.

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