Rest in Peace | Teen Ink

Rest in Peace

March 18, 2008
By Anonymous

i wish i could’ve been there
i wish i could saved you from fear
now ur playin dangerous games signed sincerly death
and he’s got the upper hand

you place an unforgiving tourniquet around her neck
and tie it down so tight
toy think you’ll cheat death tonight
this is a battle to deadly to fight

why’d you have to be so selfish to take ur own life
you balenced yourself on the tip of death’s sythe
tears in your mothers eyes and the reflection of your perilous strife
we gather round to lay roses on the face of your coffin marked by the end of your life

rain mixes with teardrops on this gloomy day
staring domn at a tombstone engraved with your ending date
fighting tears, as u recognize a loved name at the top
it really puts life in perspective knowing she was soon to be a mother and wife

this is in memory of the best friend a girl could have

R.I.P Rebecca Aug. 27 1988- Sep.22 2007

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