Clementia Luctus | Teen Ink

Clementia Luctus

April 17, 2008
By Anonymous

The soul’s poison is the price you pay
It’s a secret. Your athamé
Orient yourself to singularity
And never fall to your dismay

A foul mood for a locked thought
A battle never won but always fought
Never offer up your devotion
In the depths of scorn emotion

Knowledge that is yours solely
This is for your thoughts only
No matter how much it may hurt.
With a bleeding heart to stain your shirt

The white elephant in the room
The truth hides in plain sight
Whispers of never-ending doom
Never to win or lose the fight
A struggle with no loss or gain
Only persistence of life and thought
Only a single man’s pain
And none to remember the battle he fought

A treasure and gift or a curse
And those in a secular life
Shall have it all the worse
Their time filled lonely strife

Hide yourself, alone with thoughts unforgiving
Stuck forever in your own head
But I welcome the noise of the living
‘tis far better than the silence of the dead

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