Patience | Teen Ink


January 8, 2012
By MannuSharma PLATINUM, Sonepat, Other
MannuSharma PLATINUM, Sonepat, Other
23 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
never give up

Walking on the streets,
Listening music beats.
I was searching for someone,
Who can teach.

Now what i want to learn,
Asked one people.
He was a tall man.
And he had eyes like eagle.

I want to learn patience.
I told him so.
And i asked him,
Can you teach me?
Then he said No,No.

Then i continued my search,
For a good teacher.
Then i met an old man,
And i said "Excuse me",sir.

Can you teach me the patience,
Then he replied,Yes.
You will be learning patience.
So,don't stress.

I learned the patience,
Then i thanked him for this,
And i learned the key to success.
So i thanked him for this.

Patience is the key,
And the problems are the door.
If you have learned the patience,
Then you will never bore.

A man with patience,
Conquers all the problems.
A man with patience,
Understands all the systems.

At last,the patience,
Is a golden habit,
At last,you should,
Grab the golden habit.

The author's comments:
Patience is really a golden habit.if you have acquired this habit then you won't feel alone ever.if you likes it then tell me

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