Face Your PSAE Fear | Teen Ink

Face Your PSAE Fear

April 17, 2008
By Anonymous

Tell me what is it that you fear
Now that PSAE time is near.
Do you feel there's not enough time and
the passages are too long
Do you second guess yourself like your
answer is wrong
Is it because your heart states to pound
At the five minute countdown.
Tell your fears to me
What is it about the PSAE:
Is it because you go into a great big panic
Pace yourself don't get all frantic.
Do numbers and words seem like a big mess
Calm down remember all the tips and practice tests
Scared you'll be asked to find the main idea
Look at the big picture it should come clear
Instead of looking at those long passages trying to figure them out
Skim the passsage and look for words that stand out.
Is the pressure getting to you, do you feel you're on your own?
There are so many supporters you;re never alone.
Too many choices? USe process of elimination
Remember all the hard work and all the dedication.
I won't let that text get to me
I'll make complex seem elementary.
So now that the time is near
It's time to face your PSAE fear.

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