No Longer Trapped | Teen Ink

No Longer Trapped

April 17, 2008
By Anonymous

I am a trapped artist-
Worried what others will think,
Afraid of what others will say.
I feel as if I cant express myself the way I want to so much.
As I dip my paintbrush in and spread the paint around the paper-
Others just see a simple image-
But to me a world, a fairytale, a life I will always have and carry on forever more.
I felt trapped but now I am not-
I now live in a world where I can paint, draw and express myself in ways-
Impeccable to others,
I am in a place I have only been dreaming about forever.
I am not a trapped artist but a flowing, flying, dreaming artist,
For I have unlocked a secret world where I can be just what I want to be,
A true artist.

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