Once Upon a Time | Teen Ink

Once Upon a Time

April 16, 2008
By Anonymous

In one sideways glance,
You managed to destroy my faith in fairy tales
And leave me with an empty happy ending.

Damn you for being my sin-laced infatuation.

Once upon a time,
I saw the angel you kept hidden from the world.
And I knew—
I knew we would somehow become
more than our share of absolutely everything.

But as time slipped away from us,
I realized your enchantment had faded from my dreams
And I no longer wanted the magic to overshadow reality.
I wished that you could simply love me,
and erase my tears of defeat.

But in that one innocent glance,
You ruined my jaded imagination
by bringing beauty to our imperfections.
And I couldn’t help but forgive you.

My dreams aren’t what they used to be.

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