Electric Storm | Teen Ink

Electric Storm

April 16, 2008
By Anonymous

Suddenly I realized everything had changed.
The little girl was left alone with the innocence
That had once been her saving grace.
She wandered through the haze of reality,
But refused to reveal weakness
Except to herself.
Soon the solitude lost its charm,
And she found herself wishing on falling stars
For the darkness to lift—
Just once—
So she could again find the wall
She had built around her heart.
She did not give up, but kept wishing,
Kept believing that this could not be
What she was meant to be.
She was sure Fate would find a way to
Awaken her from daydreams.
And as she lost herself in wishful thinking,
She wandered down a path she hadn’t seen
The first time, unaware of the force she would soon meet.
Drawn in against her will, she crashed into
An electric storm that took her breath away.

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