Tell it Like it is | Teen Ink

Tell it Like it is

April 16, 2008
By Anonymous

I sat down across to face him
I let him know about his attitude
He looked at me funny
But so what?
I tell it like it is

Well, your friends they're all popular
And that mean one I can't stand
The guys all think I'm ugly
Plus, the girls just need to stick it
And I tell it like it is

I'm not your meal-ticket to an A
I'm not putting up with your friends
'Cause I like being me
So you can shove it
While I tell it like it is

Yeah, I think you're cute
No, we can't hook up
The thing is, your a user
And that just ain't for me
Yes, I tell it like it is

You came to see
You came to hear
And I came to tell
Came to share
Yep, you guessed it, I tell it like it is

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