Seated in Math | Teen Ink

Seated in Math

April 15, 2008
By Anonymous

Seated in math.
Thinking. Cannot stop thinking
Thinking of people who are coming in and out my life.
Thinking of you.
Thinking of this.
Thinking bout my old poems
Never-ending dream; let me tell you about a dream
And more.
Being asked “who these about”
“Who you are thinking about”
“Who’s is this for”
Telling repeatedly that it is not for any one really.
Like Omarion “I got a ice box where my heart used to be”
But I got an icebox in my head.
Lupher calling my name
To lost in my mind to answer him
Names fallen in my head
Faces flash in my eyes
Bell rings walk out of class every thing gets dark in the hall looking around
Only face I see is your
The people that going to ask is there any one you are thinking about
Iam’ma stop lying to you and my self
Will this thinking end or will I fine an answer

I need a light to my darkness.

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