Inside of Her | Teen Ink

Inside of Her

April 15, 2008
By Anonymous

Thinking life could get easy

But then it wouldn't be life

Thinking love would go her way

But that wouldn't be right

Thinking she could think of her self first

But then it would feel wrong

To only find

That there's something wrong

Deep down inside of her

Screaming for help

Just to scared to ask

Wanting to cry

Just to scared to have you see her weak

Wanting to say it all

Just too scared you won't understand

And just turn away

So scared to have you see her at her worst

Because deep down see feels

If she shows you all her pain

You will shove it all in her face

And just leave her there

To slowly kill her self

From the inside out

Rushing Cold

Blood rushing cold

This painful feeling of despair

Heartbreaking sorrow

This touchier my never end!

Tears of dripping blood

From the pain you left that day

Searching for the breath

To save me from this day

I'm dyeing

Killing my self

Inside and out

Awaiting the day I may be without

Without the sorrow

Sorrow and pain

From the blood and tears

The heartbreak and wounds

You left in my sole that day!

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