I'm Still Here | Teen Ink

I'm Still Here

April 15, 2008
By Anonymous

Imagine beginning a day,
the sun just rising into the sky,
think of this new day in may,
the sun starts to rise high.

The clock strikes noon,
and she shines bright,
no one sees the moon,
we all forget the night.

But now she begins to fade,
she falls out of the spotlight,
the day has been made,
and she has lost the fight.

Rainbows can't be seen,
the diamonds loose their shine,
on the ocean she does lean,
and with the fishes will she dine.

Her energy is now depleated,
the moon begins to reign,
you might say she is defeated,
but I might ask if you were sane.

In reality she never went,
you could find this if you checked,
in a rotation the Earth is sent,
so don't you assume she is wrecked.

You may not feel or even see,
but I'm still here, this is me,
And I know the warmth has gone,
just expect it's return every dawn.

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