if you belive | Teen Ink

if you belive

December 13, 2011
By lenorapembrook BRONZE, Lawerencville, Georgia
lenorapembrook BRONZE, Lawerencville, Georgia
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
louder than sirens, louder than bells, sweeter than heaven, hotter than hell- keep calm and dftba!!!

You were there for me when the world stood aside,
Let me fall into its hollow and left me there to die.
You lowered down a rope and secured the other end,
and ever since that darkest night
You’ve always been my friend.
You let me lean on you
And I let you lean in turn,
We’ve found out much together
but there’s so much more to learn.
So I assure you with all my heart,
because to you I’ll never lie,
we’ll prance through life, arm in arm, until the day we die.

The author's comments:
this actually was a peice i did for a school progect in 7th grade, but diden't use. i wish i did now, because i was really proud of it, and have it memorized to this day!

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