Misconceptions of Love | Teen Ink

Misconceptions of Love

April 14, 2008
By Anonymous

One cannot admit their relinquishment to such a sense
Unable to emancipate themselves from its taunt chains
For they are not familiar with its tenure and torment
Due to their excessive habit of being too vein

They don’t notice the apparatus around them
Showing off its beauty in so many ways
Yet they only ponder about the benefits
Which frequently result in love’s generous pay

We cannot grasp the authority of admiration
And the dream it puts us in
We are cautious to make the next move
In fear we might commit a sin

We go about our daily business
As we focus on everything but the clear
We are protected in this humid dome
To nature we never draw near

All talk of love and its potential to be great
Are told by those who are set to fail
For on their shoulders is the Devil’s weight
An idea which makes the heart turn pale.

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