I Wish | Teen Ink

I Wish

April 14, 2008
By Anonymous

I wish life was just so easy-
like a path in the forest
Designed with magical shortcuts, and secret hints that barely push you past the obstacles that confront you.

I wish these obstacles would come to life,
Go against their cowardice ways and stare me in the face,
This way ill become accustome to them. Still loathe them, but know they will only make me stronger in the end.

I wish to become stronger,
I wish this because along with strength comes success, the kind of success people can only hope for, the kind of success people *Wish* for and I want it now.
I want to feel success, I want to grasp success in the palm of my hand while gazing at it and observing every aspect of the wonderful feature.

And lastly, I wish for fear
Yes fear. I enjoy the emotion, it means im close,
at the point were everything I ever wanted is slowly starting to gravitate towards me.
All I have to do now is close my eyes and reach....

Suddenly this path he had wished upon became covered with leaves.
The forest he had been living in had vanished.
He did not live a perfect life and could not overcame the obstacles,
now he stands in the middle of nowhere.
Gazing upward,
He could not move
He could not talk
All he could do was wish.

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