No Way Out | Teen Ink

No Way Out

April 14, 2008
By Anonymous

When stuck in a situation that has no way out becomes very stressful...when it all began with a simple mistake from a one true love you admire the most when that person does something to brake your heart, mind and thoughts about this love. You feel now that you are the only one left even though in reality amongst yourself you are not... actually was the first. But you still feel lost after all these years of guidance one strays away from the flock and loses its power... with no one to be with you at your age to understand you and give you focus. At least that is the way you feel. Blinded by the worlds visions of life you go off into the midst of the depths of life and you make the same mistake by not realy taking what the leader and guider of your life said to you to heed and take it into your arms of ears to listen and learn from. In result you upset and lose trust in your flock of doves you call a family that has been there for you in every way possible you can think of. When confronted about the situation you pour out telling the most powerful role model, the most beautiful with understanding your life that you have... revealing to her everything about you that nobody knew all due to guilt... while releasing so many secrets, you take her mind throgh the most painful, and utter disbelief ever faced with one of her children. She thinks that there is no more trustd and honesty left... all of a sudden you think the same. While you take the punishment or trouble for what you have done you write a poem that reveals the secret and anguish of what has happened to ease your mind.

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