How Much I Hate You! | Teen Ink

How Much I Hate You!

April 14, 2008
By Anonymous

You could never imagine how much I hate you!
You wonder why I'm never home,
Why am I not daddy's little girl anymore?
I'm tired of you starting trouble when I'm only trying to play!
I can never make you happy,
So why should i stay
To sit here and get abused?
I wish I could just move
To a place I can be happy
With a man who appreciates what I do,
With a man whom I love
And is so much better than you!

To think that a girl's father is the only man she can trust,
The only man she can love-
What a joke!
You can't imagine how much you don't mean to me!
Not alot,
Not a little,
Not even at all!

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