A Change of Life | Teen Ink

A Change of Life

April 14, 2008
By Anonymous

As I hike through the day,
I wonder what is happening on the “outside” world
As I think about it I see all my family and friends having fun,
But as I think about it even more,
I am with a “family” that is close to my heart
They are my friends,
The ones I have to love on this expedition

A change of life is happening,
No one knows what I am talking about
No one has seen the earth in such beauty
Except for the ones that take a chance,
A risk,
In leadership,
Leadership through the world,
Showing us how to live life and live our dreams,
A change of life is happening,
More and more people get into our modern world
Forgetting what is really beneath our feet,
And what was the land of the free,
Where all the buffalo roamed,
And the sky was still blue and not a shade of grey,
A free land where every one was welcome to come with great pleasure,
But now, the world is a stack of bills pilled upon the counter,
Life is changing,
Changing for all of us,
Changing the appreciation we had back when,
The good old days,
Where we could see true wilderness all around us,
But now it’s disappearing,
Can you believe it, the true land that we live upon is disappearing,
Only a few splotches here and there are scattered throughout,
And I am lucky to have experienced a change of life,
Like no other has seen,

If you have a chance to do this,
Take the risk,
And most importantly take the change

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