Goodbye | Teen Ink


April 11, 2008
By Anonymous

How do you say such a word
As it stares you in the face

Is it possible to make time stop,
To stand here forever

Avoiding that fateful word,
Can you never leave…
Keep this moment forever

Can you never pull away
To be greeted by my teary face

Can you never leave a hole
Where I know you should be

Is it possible to find my place
without you
To make life go on

Where will you be when I need a friend,
A cry on the phone

Who will help carry my burden
When I no longer can carry it alone

Who will fill that empty space that you will leave
Even though I can never replace you

The time has come
To say goodbye

Where has this year gone

Your absence prematurely fills my chest
Emotions overwhelm me

Tears stream down my face
The promises are made…
“I will call you”
“I will see you again soon”
but I feel like this won’t happen

And I must ask…
Will you love me forever

Not waiting for your answer
I say…

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