And the World Goes Round | Teen Ink

And the World Goes Round

April 9, 2008
By Anonymous

The stars watch from above
Over the world far below
As the days slowly pass by
They watch the world change
Little things and big things
Deaths and new life

Change comes as soft as a feather and as sharp as a knife
As life comes and goes like the flight of a dove
Old spirits go up, where an angel sings
New spirits go down completing the flow
In this way life is exchanged
Some live and some die

New born babies cry
Families with loved ones newly gone, try to deal with the strife
Life itself so strange
But always full of love
Timid love like that of a doe
But what wonderful things love brings

Love can bring down a king
Or make him tell a vicious lie
Love can make anything grow
It is what makes on husband and wife
A marriage one can be proud of
Much more loving than a marriage that was arranged

Then there are times when the lovers become estranged
Their love they simply fling
Discarded like a dirty glove
Cut is their eternal tie
Their voices sound like the sour note of a fife
Both as cold as freshly fallen snow

Their love seems to come from long ago
But as their life was rearranged
They forgot the one who dealt with their strife
The child who wished to grow wings
To leave this life and fly into the sky
Their parents hate feeling like a hard shove

Life is full of love, just like Cupid’s bow
But everyone must die, it’s already been arranged
So enjoy what life brings, both happiness and strife

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