What it Was Like to be a Kid | Teen Ink

What it Was Like to be a Kid

April 9, 2008
By Anonymous

Childhood is having nightmares about car chases.
As an anxious child, your mother would make you wear dresses with hundreds of laces.
I remember starting to play Hi Ho! The Cherry-O more and more.

My friends and I used to get perfect, powerful, Pokémon-Warheads at the store.
All of the children would run to recess-racing after lunch.
Every kid would take part in the handclap games that greeted you as you crunch and munch.
The days when your brave, brilliant, brother-the exorcist got you into trouble.
Everyone always drew with chalk or even blew a bubble.
Childhood is making eatable, enjoyable, easy bake oven, which was my favorite toy.
Constantly playing with my friend who was an Ocean City-Tomboy,
and playing joyfully on trees that were telling you to climb.
Childhood is sledding in the snow, which was as white as a cloud,
Walking out of school with friends that were usually loud,
Eating cold ice cream on a day as hot as a fire,
Swinging on a swing made out of a rope and a tire.
I always enjoyed eating Spice Girl lollipops, which were a favorite of mine.
I would revisit my childhood if I could go back in time.

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