A Cry For Attention | Teen Ink

A Cry For Attention

February 11, 2008
By Anonymous

Why is everything a cry for attention?
Why can’t a teenager have a problem,
A legitimate reason
To sit down
And cry?
Why can’t I wear all black
And just like the color?
I’m not slitting my wrists,
I’m not suicidal,
I’m happy.
Why can’t I listen to angry music
Because I appreciate the lyrics
And envy the musicians’ abilities?
Why can’t I write depressing poetry
Because I had a bad day,
Or because I think it effects people more
Than fake laughter
And empty sunsets
And meaningless smiles?
Why can’t I be me, and not have to answer
To teachers
To parents
To random people who think they know me?
You don’t know me.
I’m not looking for attention.
I’m being myself.

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This article has 2 comments.

YurLuv said...
on May. 18 2010 at 5:49 pm
Wow I love it. Keep writing[:

ToriJ BRONZE said...
on Aug. 28 2009 at 10:45 pm
ToriJ BRONZE, ------, New York
1 article 0 photos 4 comments
Amazing.......................I think this poem describes most every teenager, including myself...........keep writing............