Through Different Eyes | Teen Ink

Through Different Eyes

December 7, 2011
By MKwriter BRONZE, Houston, Texas
MKwriter BRONZE, Houston, Texas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You might see me thinking, lost in space;
so deep in thought, and out of place.
You might wonder and ask me why,
I’ll tell you I see the world through different eyes.

I see it through the eyes of a child, rejected and alone,
A small Hindu daughter; abandoned and disowned.
Removed to make room for her unborn brother,
Who will be loved and cherished by her father and mother.

I see it through the eyes of a boy, gun in hand,
Forced to do more than a child should withstand.
Someone shouts, and he’s forced to head out,
to fight a war he knows nothing about.

I see it through the eyes of a woman, crying in the night,
Wakened by nightmares caused by the death of such a young life.
Kept awake by the act that’s made her life unbearably so,
She cries out to God to help her let the unborn baby go.

I see in through the eyes of a young soldier man,
Bombs shells falling around him in a foreign land.
He pulls out a picture of himself with his wife at his side,
He clutches the picture to his heart, and heaves a heavy sigh.

You might see me thinking, lost in space;
so deep in thought and out of place.
Before you wonder and ask me why,
I ask you to look at the world through different eyes.

The author's comments:
This was originally a song I wrote in my head at random. It quickly became a poem. As a missionary kid in Thailand, it's easier to be aware of the world's many brokenness and despair. I hope through this poem, people are challenged to see the world through different eyes.

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