My Little Angel | Teen Ink

My Little Angel

November 30, 2011
By RosaliesStory BRONZE, Maud, Oklahoma
RosaliesStory BRONZE, Maud, Oklahoma
4 articles 0 photos 1 comment

You brighten my every night and day. You are special to me in every way. Through my laughs and through my tears, I know you will always be near. You hold such a dear place in my heart. Our friendship and love shall never fall apart. Through good or bad I'll be by your side, You'll always know that in me you can confide. When the time comes we must say our goodbyes, I'm sure I'll be asking the Who,What, when,where, and whys. I promised you from day one I'd never let you go. I'll never turn my back on you and this I hope you know.You're my god-sent little angel, my blossom ready to bloom. I remember you as a little one just yelping in my room. Every few hours I would wake and just for you I'd check, and each and every time you'd be asleep on my neck. As the days went by you began to get bigger, making messes in the house, go figure. Before long the step-dad said "He needs to go out". So you went out into the cold night air, I began to pout. But as they closed their eyes that night, onto the porch i went , just to sleep with you under the moonlight. You see, you're my precious baby and that you will always be. I loved your puppy kisses with the smell of puppyy breath. Now your breath stinks but i still love you to death. You're my little piece of heaven and in my heart you will always shine. I'm just so proud to call you mine.

The author's comments:
This is about my dog "Fifteen"

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