Deep Within Myself | Teen Ink

Deep Within Myself

December 6, 2011
By dxnydancer7 BRONZE, Commack, New York
dxnydancer7 BRONZE, Commack, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Extremely organized, tremendously neat

Predictable consciences hardworking girl
Rhythmically gifted dancer

completely devoted
As the sound of the music echoes in my head

I begin to count 5, 6, 7, 8
Auto technician self employed intelligent father

fast toys, speed, dominates the fun
I smell the air so sweet and salty

as we cruise through the channel to get to our favorite spot
Exceedingly caring, helpful, knowledgeable mom

enjoyable, entertaining, kindhearted friend
In charge, strong willed

helping to run the house during tough family times
Confident, reliable, focused on the future

ready to face the world’s challenges
I am so bright I blackout the sun

with my long legs I can reach the stars
My life made up of all different things

completely in my own style
It is so satisfying to me

to enjoy the moments in time with my family
Celebrating birthdays, eating turkey, cutting down Christmas trees, wrapping presents, coloring Easter eggs

always enjoying the best of times
The air is so cold, it smells like coffee and toast

oh wait, its time for my brother to play his hockey game
I bundle up, grab my blankets, pick a good spot
and watch the game

I will not let anyone get in my way in life

no matter what the circumstances are
Going to class, homework, getting up early, taking the bus

things that I wish I did not have to do
A bad grade will not upset me

it will only make me strive to try harder
The time passes by each day

I can only remember the good times
Looking back on old pictures

makes me laugh all the time
My family means everything to me

thankfully they will forever be in my heart

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