In That Room | Teen Ink

In That Room

April 4, 2008
By Anonymous

In that room
My nightmares became real.
In that room
I almost died.
In that room
My family grieved.
In that room
My life was saved.
In that room
I memorized every cartoon that was shown.
In that room
I celebrated Easter
And Mother's Day
And my birthday.
In that room
I saw my scars.
In that room
I heard the news.
In that room
I got the call.
In that room
I recovered.
In that room
I lived for seven months.
In that room
I felt loved.
In that room
I made crafts.
In that room
I prayed for a miracle.
In that room
I was reborn.
In that room
I connected with my grandmother.
From that room
I left.
From that room
I traveled.
From that room
I was wheeled to the opperating room.
From that room
I was taken away.
Taken away for a liver transplant.

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