Angel [Dust] | Teen Ink

Angel [Dust]

April 4, 2008
By Anonymous

You were my one and only love;
now, you are my poison.
You kept me on a constant high;
who could have known that I
would someday crash?
Not I.
I thought I would spend the rest of my days
intoxicated, under your influence.
Now, I shake and shiver from withdrawal.
I sweat you from my body;
the liquid travels from my eyes to my cheeks.
Relapse: I call you.
No, hang up!
Now it's you calling me.
Don't answer!
But I so want to.
I so want to reconnect with the feeling you once gave;
our very first time, that very first high.
But you never can, can you?
That first high is gone.
You are gone.
Once you were my angel;
now, you are my angel dust.

And someday I'll be clean of you.

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