Girls Shouldn't Need... | Teen Ink

Girls Shouldn't Need...

November 27, 2011
By BriannaL.Nawara SILVER, Cambridge, Nebraska
BriannaL.Nawara SILVER, Cambridge, Nebraska
5 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
"They were the screams of rider's torn apart, but the twisted reflection of their own inner selves." -Neal Shusterman-

Us girls, we shouldn't need make-up to make someone like us. We shouldn't need to fix our hair all pretty for a date. Why hide all of our true beauty behind make up? If our best friend or boyfirend can't accept us for our true selves, why even talk to them? There is no reason, we need to go buy new clothes, just to fit in, and to be accepted. Us girls, we need to be different, be independent. We don't need to spend all our money on make-up and new clothes. All make-up does is make us fake, hides our true beauty. New clothes just shows we want to fit in with the crowd. We should all stand out, make our own style, let others copy. There is no reason for us girls to have useless stuff.

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