Made my Veins Hollow | Teen Ink

Made my Veins Hollow

April 3, 2008
By Anonymous

Made my veins hollow and took the wind from me ,
Feeling inhuman stripped all calmness from me , deep in my stomach---you’re so worthy …..
Freedom is a must, words spoken suddenly, presented as a gift but wasn’t lovely ;

don’t confuse strangeness with ugliness,

Trusting in certain witnesses ,
Speaking of prisms--mental prisons proceed,
Calmly awaiting someone to lead, but be as it be, the scum sticks on the wake, attaching itself to metal framed snakes….
Grinding it’s way through , peace found in deep wounds ; alien being naturally misconstrued

Uncertain of most, the downfallen creed, three is fine but two is all one needs ----
be as it may and be as it be,
the depth in which was glorified was beyond me.
Frozen in place--the silk words of art, never got the chance, insertion of too much thought
That left me gasping collecting breath, and thoughts
State of mind, peace of mind, late, gone and lost
If I had a price….guaranteed no cost

The freedom of insanity is never a lot,

Locked away--the best of damaging thoughts,

Sealed in a room, wrapped in our mental box.
So decorated, scattered in vacant lots
Remembering to forget that sweet pungent loss…..

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