Peace of Art | Teen Ink

Peace of Art

November 28, 2011
By Skye-Bleu BRONZE, Prescott, Arizona
Skye-Bleu BRONZE, Prescott, Arizona
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Art is not tangible.
It’s merely a glimpse of a feeling; an insight to a world beyond the minds grasp.
It’s the laugh of a young child; the light gleaming through the golden leaves.
My friends, Art is all around us.
It’s in every soul, waiting to break free of the bonds of reality.
And so, I hope that you might find your beautiful peace of art.
Perhaps, you might be inclined to believe I meant a piece.
But then you would be wrong.
For I mean peace.
For what is Art but the balance of describing the unexplainable, while relating to that which is known and familiar; a fragile peace between here and there?
And with these words, I would wish you luck, but I know you shall not need it.

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