There is a Garden | Teen Ink

There is a Garden

April 26, 2008
By Anonymous

There is a garden,
A garden in a little corner of the world,
They used to care for it,
Let all the flowers thrive.
The bright colors overwhelmed,
While the striking scents teased.
Then They lost interest,
One by one leaving,
Until there was only you and I.
We cared for the garden,
Until They called us away and told to care no longer.
We were allowed to visit just once now and again,
Watching the gardens slow decline,
Until it was beyond our sparse love.
I gave up then, not visiting any longer,
Letting Them take my life and wind it up around their fingers.
You followed me,
But as the years went past,
A nagging chewed on a corner of your heart,
And you returned.
There you sat,
Forever watching the sea of brown that had once been our garden,
Magical and bright,
Now all it was, was bleak.
You sat there, day after day,
Week after week,
Until finally I came looking for you.
I joined you in that garden,
my heart tender at the destruction wreaked upon our paradise.
We sat together,
Until the brown melted away,
And a single green tendril poked up through our hearts.
The Ivy grew up, over the carefully constructed wall,
Until it reached our sitting spot.
It pushed us out back into the world,
Where we banished Them.
And started over.
Our own paradise.

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