On your own | Teen Ink

On your own

November 16, 2011
By ahamidny BRONZE, Manhasset Hills, New York
ahamidny BRONZE, Manhasset Hills, New York
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

On your own

What happened to you? What did you do? Why are you alone?
You have trouble facing the truth that you are on your own.

You cannot let go of what is long gone.
Your stubbornness isolates, and now you are on your own.

When Time became your enemy and stole your identity,
You lost the way, and now you are on your own.

You walk a crooked path, claiming it is true.
Ignorance blinds you, and now you are on your own.

You chose a road lost among the mountaintops, lost beyond the clouds,
Yet you chose to walk, and they did not, leaving you on your own.

How can they understand when they do not know?
No matter the words, they never will. Face it; you are on your own.

Your words fail you Ammar.
As a result, you are on your own.

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