Good and Evil | Teen Ink

Good and Evil

April 24, 2008
By Anonymous

I have this friend who lives in pain and suffering.
He has two sides.
One is good, the other is evil.
Angel and Demon.
His bad side is the side that nobody wants to see.
But his good side is the side that everybody misses.
I hate seeing him in so much pain.
He was like a brother that I never had.
But he destoryed me in the end.
I knew the day was coming.
And I'll always blame myself for it.
I told him to stay away from me.
He broke my sisters heart and destoryed our friendship.
He showed me that I would never be able to trust him ever again.
He showed me the person that I'll always hate.
We got into a fight.
I yelled at him and he did the same back.
After that day, I never spoke to him.
But ever since that fight, I always thought that maybe it could have been different.
If only things were different.
If only life was different.

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