Cloud Slumber | Teen Ink

Cloud Slumber

April 22, 2008
By Anonymous

I made a bed in the clouds.
They dressed me in pale white
And set me upon the edge of their foggy cushion
Where I leaned back and sat tight.
Shortly afterward they had swirled about me,
Changing their direction in the deep blues and grays;
Decorating themselves with stars and thick air
With yellow, and red, and green, and smudged in pink.

Its picturesque view led me to wonder
Down below
Had anyone been paying attention to my slumber?
How long I had been there,
I could not recall.
I reckon I bathed in their rainbows and suns and moons
For awhile,
Their distractions and baffled me
And I bethought of the places below
Where multicolored seas of landscapes
Welcomed the many onto their streets
And into their home.

The humans always stared above
When I peered down at them
Some were friends and some closer
Some indifferent to me;
All of them continued about their daily business
And I thought how could this be.

Eventually the puffy whites unraveled me,
They let me spring from their grip
And I was free.

Down below I had joined the rest of them,
Everyone I knew had surrounded me-
The birds and geese
And places and scenes.
I was well rested and could start anew,
I wondered if the clouds,
If sometimes they felt like this too.

So we kept in contact
And arranged for symbols in the sky,
This is how I knew
When their messages met my eye
That perhaps I belonged up there
In a bed of clouds
In a state of dreaming
Until again I was allowed;
Until I was ready to come back down.

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