Praise Him | Teen Ink

Praise Him

April 22, 2008
By Anonymous

They praise him as if he fed five thousand with
five loaves of bread and two fish.
They praise him as though he healed the boy with the demon, and
praise him as if he predicted the death of a man, then later
revealed that on the third day, that that same man will be raised to life.

They praise him as if he touched two blind men
and revived their sight.
They praise him as if he predicted Peter’s denial, and
praise him as if he healed a man with leprosy.

Yes, his smile brings warmth to my body,
diminishing goose bumps that I acquire when he
Winks at me.
Yes, I purposely walk the long way to class, just so I can obtain a
Meager waft of his Armani Colon.
And yes, I droll a bit, sitting behind him in math class, because the back of his
Head is just as sexy as the front.

So, yes, its feasible they praise him because the terminology his name possesses
mandates praise and glory.
But, although he envisions life as a child of God
He does and will not retain the
Entitlement only one identity subsumes.

But until the day he has the capability
To be killed and resurrected from the dead,
I will solely, laud God.

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