The Day Has Come | Teen Ink

The Day Has Come

April 22, 2008
By Anonymous

The day has come,
The time draws near. Everday
We practice ans practice,
'Til perfection is reached.
Each note is sung
And each breath has come.

The minutes count down
And gt etgime has come.
The door is opened, and floating
On down hte hall
Notes dance along the wall.

My name is called
And in I walk.
The man is sitting tall,
A regal figure behind his
Massinve desk. My heart
Is pounding loud and clear,
And blood is rushing through my ears.

The pianist begins to play;
In and out my breath comes quick,
Until I hear that note.

I stand firm and tall
And draw a deep breath.
Its familiar tune and steady beat
Make my fear retreat.
The music builds and on I sing,
then silence starts to ring.

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