The Sky Lightens | Teen Ink

The Sky Lightens

April 22, 2008
By Anonymous

The sky lightens.

The sun timidly parts the clouds to peer at the world below.

The door slams.

I rush into the morning as it pushes back on me.

The dew beads on

The grass; each blade caresses my soles in hello.

The next instant

Feet frozen, I hasten my pace through morning.

The mist thins.

The trees which trim the yard are now visible to my eyes.

The blossoms offer

A pleasant perfume to mix with the mud beneath.

The scents swirl.

The combination intrigues my nose and ensnares my mind.

The air warms

My lungs as I breathe in the bouquet I behold.

The birds fill

The damp and mossy trees with early morning song.

The dew drops on

My head showering my face, neck, and shoulders with morning.

The mud coats

The trail; my feet follow further into the fog.

The path sinks.

My every step tells the story of my way through morning.

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