I Thought I Was Over You | Teen Ink

I Thought I Was Over You

April 20, 2008
By Anonymous

i thought i was over you
as it turns out i was wrong
it seems as if you've been gone for so long

but you're right in front of me
and i can't have you
it's cruel, so unfair!
why is it, is this hot it has to be
how it always will be

there's got to be another way
i just can't sit here and wait for something to go right
day by hour-some day
it's like i can't find the light

God! why do i miss you so much?
i should forget you, but my heart screams out how i can't
i wish to feel your touch
your arms around me, and your lips against mine

the pain makes me want to cry
something hurts deep inside
do we really have to say good-bye
you just left my heart to die...

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