Where Poetry Hides | Teen Ink

Where Poetry Hides

April 19, 2008
By Anonymous

In the inside of a balloon,
In the fabric of my baby blanket,
In my favorite model car,
Between the lines of my favorite songs,
In love notes,
Under the toy that was always played with,
In the glare from the sun that causes traffic,
Between the sticker and the piece of paper,
In those afraid to voice their opinion,
In the static of the radio,
In the calm before the storm,
In the places left undiscovered,
In the promises that have been kept,
In pictures of friends and family,
In the beans of beanie babies,
In the snow of a snow globe,
In the splash that gets everyone wet,
In the old clothes I used to play dress up in,
In the moment when a father/mother gets to hold their child for the first time,
In a search for the unknown,
During a drive with no specific destination,
In the stitches of a hand-made quilt.

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