Magenta and Indigo Stain My Fingers | Teen Ink

Magenta and Indigo Stain My Fingers

April 18, 2008
By Anonymous

the colors irradiant
the colors vivid to the eye
the colors so bold, so potent
it's as if you could grasp them in your hands
and squeeze out its pulp
how the virtuous stains dance upon my finger tips is quite clear
finger painting with the little one
finger painting with my little sister
mid-spring, on the verge of summer
seems to make the outdoors all the more lively
the ants scatter through the sidewalk crevices
scampering hurriedly with their tasks laid upon them
chirps, squeaks, pitter-patter
fresh life announces their arrival up atop the twig-shrewn nests
the sound of our foreign tongue
accommodate one another

first attempt- disgust
second attempt- frightful
third attempt- stunning

i have painted a masterpiece
the masterpiece not lay within the picture
but embosses upon the setting, place, and time when painted
the painting may not be much to the feeble eye
but as for me, it contains sentimental value

magenta and indigo stain my

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