From a Veteran's Daughter | Teen Ink

From a Veteran's Daughter

April 18, 2008
By Anonymous

‘Oh say can you see’,
How reverent they are.
Talking of our own,
‘Broad stripes and bright stars’.

Proclaiming the rights,
‘For the land of the free,
And the home of the brave’,
And the people like you and me.

And now on this day,
We give tribute soldiers.
All the men and women
Who served with honor.

It is amazing to think
That these people thought,
Of nothing else other,
Than the peace which they sought.

In battles large and small,
You quite bravely did fight.
For the beliefs of our country,
To spread democratic rights.

Of you I am proud,
For all the time you lost,
The sacrifices you made,
And all which it cost.

So to all the Veteran’s
The daughters and sons
We thank you and love you
And tell you, “Job well done.”

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