Little Red Riding Hood | Teen Ink

Little Red Riding Hood

March 17, 2008
By Anonymous

Little Red Riding Hood
was walking through the wood
when she came upon a hairy creature,
but she couldn't recognize his features.
She told it to get away and stay
while she went on her merry way.
She arrived at her grandmothers, but instead she found another,
not her grandmother.
It was the creature with the scary features!
He beamed at her, she screamed at him,
then he ate her before someone heard her and came in.
Not long after,
the wolf was filled with laughter.
A hunter came in and asked where the grandma and little red riding hood were,
the wolf replied, "I'm not sure".
So the hunter cut him open,
and he sure was hopin'
that they were in there.
He made a slit and out popped hair.
"I knew it!", he cried.
"I did it! I tried!".
I saved Little Red Riding Hood.
I'm super good.
Hunter, hail!
The wolf is in jail.

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