Wolf Eyes | Teen Ink

Wolf Eyes

March 17, 2008
By Anonymous

She wants to be the same.
She is the same.
Her clothes,
Her hair,
Everything is the same.
She never wanted to be alone.
She never wanted to be different.
There is one thing that she can’t change,
One thing that is always different.

Her eyes.
They are eyes that look like a wolf’s.
They look normal to her,
And most other people.
One boy did comment though.
He said that her eyes were wolf-like.

She took it as something rude,
Saying her eyes looked blood thirsty,
And were full of hate.
She went home and heard something.
Her mother commented on what the boy had said.
She said, “Maybe it wasn’t meant as an insult.
Aren’t wolf eyes supposed to be pretty?”

The girl thought about it.
She didn’t know what the other person had meant.
Did he mean her eyes showed her anger?
Or did he mean they were pretty?

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