Whirling in my Mind | Teen Ink

Whirling in my Mind

March 16, 2008
By Anonymous

Whirling in my mind, seeming to never stop

Hiding in the darkness living deep within my heart

Eating me inside out, tearing me apart peice by peice

Burning me, cutting me deeper and deeper

Making this wound unhealable, untouchable, unfixable

Turning this world into hell, with the spirits causing havoic

Counting my breaths, one more closer to death, one after another

Big clothes and hats, covering up the marks you left

No longer hoping for love, just wanting love to go away

Praying to a god who doesn’t listen

Shouting out to heavens, wishing someone would just hear your cries

Striving to look like her, to be skinny like her, to be just like her

Ripping out everything I once believed in

Shattering my dreams into a million peices

Wishing to have never met you, that the thought of you wouldn’t dig at my soul

Trying so hard to forget, trying to beleive myself when I tell you that I’m happy for you, when im screaming on the inside

Forcing memories out that I want to remember, ones that used to make me smile

Looking back at our laughter, our fun, our memories, with tears whelling in my eyes

Staring into the sky, counting the stars.


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