Buck Fever | Teen Ink

Buck Fever

October 19, 2011
By Juggalette BRONZE, St. Peters, Missouri
Juggalette BRONZE, St. Peters, Missouri
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Dirt is sprayed upon me to cover my scent,
dad and I head out towards the woods.
The leaves crunching beneath us,
the cold air surrounding me,
keeping me awake and alert.
The sun is shining above the trees;

My dad and I get into our camouflage blind,
sitting upon little cold chairs.
Looking for anything that moves.

The rustling of leaves grab my attention.
I glance out the window to find an 8-point buck,
the sun shining on the deer as if it were meant to be mine.
My eyes widen with astonishment.

I reach for my 30/30 with my eyes glued to the deer,
pulling back the hammer with a click,
I rest my elbow on my knee for a steady shot.
My finger squeezes the trigger,
the bullet racing from the gun into the deer’s shoulder.
I turn to my dad with a smile,
he smiles an even bigger smile that clearly says “I’m proud of you.”

The author's comments:
this piece is about me and my dad deer hunting. it was my first time going and i was 13 and i shot my first deer that day. its the most memorable day ever

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