America | Teen Ink


March 13, 2008
By Anonymous

Our policies reverberate
Forever with the checks we mate

And though we face a certain pain
Democracy’s ours to retain

Western devils, they will call
But each in turn will have their fall

Land of the free and home to brave
We spare the rod on every slave

Equality is our own truth
Though still accuse us of uncouth

We shake the ground on which he march
While keeping stable freedoms arch

The countries cares are each’s own
Our liberties, we never loan

Perusing each one’s happiness
Rejecting ignorance is bliss

Saving a neighbor from another
And every patriot a brother

Honoring a blood spilled past
Because we know the die is cast

Protecting from foreign aggressors
Our M-16’s lie on the dressers

The cannon bombs do sound our name
Warning the injustices we shame

We never waver in intent
Though are absent with relent

They call us the United States
No countries match our going rates.

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